Golf Club

The HANDICAP SCRAPER Section of the Minthis Golf Club Members website.

The information on this page is intended for INTERNAL USE ONLY.
The PHP code uses "curl" to get the members' handicap data from the CGF/Datagolf website. If you do this in the CHROME browser you can then select all the members' records and copy them (CNTRL-c). If you then bring up the notepad++ utility you can paste (CNTRL-v) these records into an empty document then run the "Tidy_Handicaps" macro. The resulting ".txt" document can be saved and the data COPY->PASTEd into the various spread-sheets for competitions and such-like.

Handicap Scraper


  1. Input the password (Starts with a Capital letter) followed by the <TAB> or <RETURN> key.
  2. An icon will appear after each course name. Click on the icon for relevant one.
Aphrodite Hills (AH) handicaps
Elea Estate (EE) handicaps
Episkopi (EP) handicaps
Minthis Hills (MH) handicaps
Secret Valley (SV) handicaps
Vikla (VK) handicaps